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Tongue Thrust

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Tongue Thrust

All babies have a tongue thrust or reverse swallow when they are younger. When a baby swallows, his tongue pushes forward toward his gums or front teeth. When a baby is being feed pureed food, his tongue pushes forward while pushing some of the food back out of his mouth. The adult scoops the food off of his lips and puts it back in his mouth. The cycle continues on and on until all of the food is gone. As babies grow older and more mature, they will learn how to swallow with their lips closed and how to move the food back towards the throat with a mature swallow.
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Space Maintainers

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Kids and Space Maintainers

Primary (baby) teeth are important for your child’s dental health. They help her eat and speak and serve as space holders in your child’s mouth to ensure that permanent teeth grow in straight. Baby teeth are also important for the jawbone and mouth muscles to develop normally.

If a child’s baby tooth comes out too soon due to accident or tooth decay, problems may occur. The neighboring teeth may crowd out the space where the permanent tooth should come in or cause the tooth to come in crooked. A space maintainer may be recommended by your pediatric dentist to reduce the risk of these problems. Read More


Signs of Teething

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Signs of Baby Teething

Having a new baby in your life is an exciting thing! However, after three to four months, your child may start to show different behaviors even though a tooth will not show up for another few months! Some behaviors that act as signs that your baby’s teeth are coming in are excessive drooling, crankiness, coughing, cheek or ear pulling, night waking and sticking objects into their mouths. While these can be signs for teething, it is important to consult a doctor to make sure these symptoms are not caused by something else. Read More


Solving Thumb-Sucking

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Steps to Solving Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is a habit common for young children that most parents want to stop. However, a lot of parents have a hard time figuring out a good systematic way to help the child break the bad habit. Below are four steps that you can take as a parent to help your child break the habit of thumb sucking. Read More


Dental Sealants for Children

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Dental Sealants for Children

Dental sealants are acrylic based coatings that protect the chewing surfaces of your teeth from bacteria and plaque that cause tooth decay. They are usually applied where decay occurs frequently, which is along the molars and premolars. Tooth decay often happens in children as well as teens. When dental sealants are applied to the teeth, they protect the teeth from germs and food getting stuck to the grooves of the teeth. One of the best ways to protect your child’s (and even your adult) teeth from decay is to apply dental sealants. Read More


Kids & Flossing

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Kids and Flossing

Between the ages of two and six, your child’s teeth will become to become closer to each other. When this happens, it is important to start flossing their teeth and teaching them why flossing is critical to oral health. As your child reaches 10 years old, they should be able to floss completely on their own without much help. The floss used in your child’s mouth should be flexible and soft so it does not hurt. It is important to remember that children have more sensitivity in their mouth and gums could get irritated quickly due to rough flossing.
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Electronic Toothbrushes For Children

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Review of Popular Electronic Toothbrushes For Children – Posted 01/20/2016

Parents understand that it is important to have kids practicing good dental hygiene. In order to have kids brush their teeth regularly, it is critical that there is an element of fun to everyday routine while eliminating the potential of brushing too hard or not long enough. Fortunately, there are a lot of electronic toothbrushes on the market that can be used as a tool to help provide the best dental care for children. Read More