Preventative dentistry is our specialty and dental exams are the cornerstone of preventative care. These checkups are the superheroes in the fight against tooth decay, gum disease and other oral health concerns. Our dentists and team members make the experience fun, engaging and educational. We help kids (and parents!) feel safe and at ease. Our goal is to protect your little one’s smile, so it can continue to brighten your day!

Benefits of Comprehensive Exams

Smile Watch
Depending on your child’s needs, we may start the exam by taking some digital x-rays with our state-of-the-art imaging equipment, which emits the lowest dose of radiation possible. X-rays are extremely important for detecting cavities and other issues that are hidden under the gums, skin, bone, and between and inside the teeth. Once that’s done, you’ll get settled in an exam room. If your child is an infant or toddler, we’ll have them sit on your lap in the dental chair for the exam.
The dentist will do a tooth count and use special instruments to check out your child’s teeth and gums. If they have any restorations or sealants, we’ll make sure they’re in tip-top shape too. The doctor will go over your kiddo’s brushing and flossing habits, answer all of your questions and discuss treatment options in detail if necessary. They can also offer guidance when it comes to breaking habits like thumb sucking. To wrap things up, a hygienist will clean your child’s pearly whites and, if indicated, we can do a fluoride treatment or apply sealants. When it’s all over, we’ll point your child in the direction of the prizes.